
Hey there!

Hi, We are Essie’s Gift Ministries, Inc. We send bereavement boxes all over the USA and serve families in West Georgia who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss. Our focus is to be a blessing to families who are hurting and to encourage healing through acknowledgement of their baby and by providing a place that is safe to talk about loss.

Request a Bereavement Box

To request a bereavement box, please complete this jot form at: https://form.jotform.com/233115430043137 Please allow three to four weeks for delivery. If you are local and want us to come to the hospital with you, please contact us through email or through our FaceBook page. Thank you!

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Philippians 1:3

Welcome to Essie’s Gift Ministries!

Thank you for clicking on our blog and reading this post. We are so glad that you are here. We hope that you look back on older posts and find some encouragement for what you are going through. There are no right words to say and nothing we can do to take away your pain,…

How do we know when to send a package?

We get asked this a lot so I thought I would create a post that would let people know. For the first three and a half to four years of Essie’s Gift, we did not get many requests. We averaged about 100 per year. Most of those requests came from people who knew us or were friends with…

You Are Not Alone

by Regina Erlenbusch I remember my check-up appointment after I had to have my DNC procedure. I dreaded walking into that office. I don’t really know why I felt some of the emotions I felt. I was so sad. But also, I didn’t want anyone to see me. Like I wanted so badly to be…

Forever Changed

By Regina Erlenbusch  I am definitely not a writer by any stretch of the word, and to be honest I have put this off as long as I could. I do speak about my loss frequently but there is something very intimate about writing my story out. I really don’t like facing emotions. I pack…

Updates and Info

We started 2023 very slowly with only a few requests.  In April we had training in Ohio with SGM.  We had been looking forward to getting encouragement and enjoying fellowship with people who were working in similar ministries.  We were both wondering what more we could do to find ways to serve more people. While…

My story….

There is something very special about traveling down a new road; one that you didn’t even know existed. It’s exciting to see new places and things and to learn about new ways to get to an expected end. I enjoy riding down those roads that take me to new places, especially when there is a…

If you are interested in sharing your story on our blog, please send an email to essiesgiftministries@yahoo.com and include your story.  You may remain anonymous or include your name.  Please note that if you use scripture, it will be updated to King James for our blog.   If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email.

About Us

In 2018, after attending a training that we thought would help us be able to talk with hurting mamas who had experienced miscarriage, we felt impressed to start a ministry to help families who were dealing with the loss of a baby. Since then, we have been sending out bereavement boxes and learning as much as we can to try to be a blessing to families who are hurting. We have both had Doula training and are available to serve at births when a family knows that their baby has a life-limiting diagnosis.

Let’s hang out